Business Solutions
Power your way to full control with uncompromising business management software

Company, departments, groups & lists
Multiple Companies, each with their respective departments and departmental managers can be mirrored on the software to represent the organisational hierarchy found in your business. As staff leave and new departments are created, your hierarchy can be maintained. Lists allow for other groups of employees to be created that are not related by department but have common interests that other modules can make use of.
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People Management
All types of staff can be added to keep a detailed and up to date record from recruitment to the end of their employment. Every employee can be given restricted access to help maintain accurate records and reduce opportunities for errors and misunderstanding. An extensive range of essential HR information provides flexibility to capture all the key information you require.
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Document Management
The Document Management weaves its way throughout the site providing a place to upload documents to support important records (such as a Doctors Note for a sickness), issued to a specific employee (such as a Contract of Employment) or group of employees (such as Expenses guidance) or to the whole company (such as a Company Handbook). Access to Documents are tracked, marked as essential reading and if needed, digitally signed.
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Leave Management
Every Company is different when it comes to their absence management but CompanyControls is powerful enough to manage all approaches and help you deliver and control yours. With a clearly defined leave management process all your staff and their line managers can work in the knowledge that CompanyControls is keeping a close overview. Senior staff and HR have full visibility and peace of mind.
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Sickness Management
Keeping a balanced view of sicknesses through out your business is essential to ensure your staff are happy, healthy and productive. This can be difficult with line managers being busy, recording sicknesses in different ways and leaving the business with out a clean hand over - often valuable business knowledge going with them. Our adaptable sickness process will guarantee a clear history of sickness is recorded for each employee.
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Training Management
Training records provides a wealth of valuable information when done correctly but it is so easy to create a worthless spreadsheet of training especially over a period of time. CompanyControls provides a structure to record existing training and for your line managers or staff to request new training in areas they feel would benefit the business. Key employees can review these records and authenticate and organise the requested training.
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Performance Appraisals
Our versatile form builder can be used to deliver forms such as New Starter Information Packs, Exit Questionnaires and 360 reviews. Most commonly it is used to deliver custom built performance appraisals that match your current style of questions and answers already in place. All data can be historically reviewed on an individual basis or compared across a team or indeed, the whole company.
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Time and Attendance
CompanyControls offers a web based punch clock to quickly capture the attendance of some or all of your staff in one or more locations. Independent RFID, fingerprint and whole hand scanners are also available which immediately transmit punches back to your site for up-to-the-minute reporting purposes. This can be used to determine time at work for payroll or provide a fire register.
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Controlling the frequent submission of your staff's Timesheets can be a headache. CompanyControls can issue weekly timesheets to everyone with a click of a button. It can partly complete them with the time and attendance information if you require or let your staff complete them. Staff can then submit, approve and query as required. Time can be unassigned or assigned to company projects, clients or clients projects.
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It makes a lot of sense to apply a business management platform such as CompanyControls in an area that involves a lot of accurate record keeping, over a dispersed and perhaps, infrequent period of time, that includes supporting documents and passes through a number of hands. By streamlining this important area of your business, errors are reduced and staff can focus on the more important areas of their job.
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Task Management
Other modules use the benefits of the task management system to raise their own tasks for key individuals but it is also available to raise your own tasks for yourself, another employee or a specific group/team. Its corporate task management approach ensures full and clear information; both that the task has been received and accepted and that it has been completed to your satisfaction.
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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
It is unlawful to discriminate against a person because they have one of the "protected characteristics" such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Equality and Diversity offers a private, discreet way to ask your staff a customisable selection of secret questions to capture your company's diversity.
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Directory & Address book
Directory: a searchable list of your employees on hand for your employees to find
each other.
Address Book: maintain a wider list of contacts available to all staff across your business. Benefits
other modules such as Injuries, Training and Visitors.

Visitor Log
A visitor booking system to help welcome your visitor to your place of work. Visitors can be prebooked or booked in as they arrive. This provides an expected daily arrival plan to help your reception be ready to welcome them, a searchable history and a future schedule. The visitor log feeds into the fire report.
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Accident & Injury Register
Keeping a well maintained list of accidents and the resulting injuries of your employees, visitors or general public is essential when looking at ways to mitigate the dangers of them occurring again in the future. CompanyControls gives you a guided process to carefully capture all types of injuries from the minor to the most extreme. You can also record dangerous occurrences that don't result in any injuries. RIDDOR information compliant.
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Custom Fields
A comprehensive selection of standard HR fields are available against all employees but with the custom fields you can add others that are useful to you.
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Fire Report
Get an immediate, up to date report of everyone's whereabouts based on their work patterns and location and, if used, their live Time and Attendance punch information. Visitor log information is included too.
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All data can be filtered, viewed and exported to various formats for further analysis.
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