Leave Management
Streamline the request and approval of planned absence in your busy office

Planned absence management to fulfil your legal obligation to your employees in accordance with the needs of your business
Leave Process
The process of requesting leave is completely managed with CompanyControls. Leave is added as a draft request when remaining entitlement and other applicable rules are checked. If the system and employee are happy it can be submitted for approval. Emails are sent to alert the manager of the waiting request, where they can approve or reject the request. Approved requests are deducted from entitlement and added to the team Calendar.

Pre-manage with Leave Rules
All types of leave can be managed with absence rules. Absence rules can be setup with different strengths of failure, from complete failure (unable to submit for approval), only approvable by a leave Admin (HR) to simply Warning the manager of the issue. Many rules are available but a selection would include:
- Notice period (variable based on length of leave request)
- Maintaining department levels
- Key staff away together
- Staff not away over specific dates
- Minimum/maximum duration of leave request

Team Calendar
The Team Calendar is a visual guide for all staff to check availability. Other formats are available.

Leave Entitlement
As the employees work pattern and public holidays are already known, the system determines the amount of leave entitlement being used between two dates. CompanyControls calculated entitlement usage rather than the employee. Numerous types of leave can be booked with only Annual Leave counting against entitlement. Adjustment can be made to the specific year's leave allowance either manually or automatically by the system. This might include carry over, toil, awards or leave purchase.