Sickness Management
Keep thorough track of individual sicknesses as they occur

Keeping a clear and concise history of sickness is essential. CompanyControls helps you manage the sickness as it happens and alerts you to excess sickness over time.
Sickness records
The sickness record starts on the first day of the employees sickness, noting their method and time of notification to the business. All aspects of the sickness can be recorded and progress noted can collect the sickness journey. Ultimately the employee will return to work and the sickness is complete.

Fully recorded
In addition to the standard information collected CompanyControls can also expect other information based on the length of the sickness. This can include self certs from the employee or doctors notes and/or a comprehensive return to work interview. Only when these tasks have been completed will the sickness consider itself complete. Emails are sent to urge the employee/manager to complete these sections.

Sickness Alerts
CompanyControls is constantly comparing sickness levels to alert levels that you can define such as number of sicknesses over a period or the Bradford factor. If an alert level is breached an email is sent to your defined email account(s).