Directory & Company Address Book
Searchable list of staff and Companies

Give your staff a facility to find each other and companies with active relationships and their contact information.
Internal Directory
The directory lists all internal staff and is searchable. It also includes all your company location contact information and provides a list of employees by their roles in the business. Site Roles determine the broad level of access into CompanyControls (User, Senior Management and Client Admin). Functionality Roles determines the level of access into a specific area of CompanyControls (e.g. Injury Admin). These roles, albeit software related, directly reflect the employees position in your business. Company Roles are custom labels issued to your staff to inform others of their responsibilities such as Fire warden, First Aider, Employee representative or lottery manager.

Company Address Book
Catalogue the companies you have a relationship with to provide a searchable list of contacts. Can include numerous external contacts of individuals from those Companies as well as the internal employee(s) in your business who manages the relationship. Multiple locations can be added to each Company contact page. Your own custom fields can be added to capture the information you consider most important.